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Currently there are no free rooms available for the selected location, alternatively we can offer you rooms at other locations:

Available from now

Room 321, Taunusstraße rear side, 3rd floor right

  • 25 sqm
  • 140x200cm
  • Business
730 € 830 830
monthly excl. deposit and fee
Available from now

Room 4, Alt Fechenheim, 1st floor

  • 14 sqm
  • 140x200cm
  • Tourist
600 € 630 630
monthly excl. deposit and fee
Available from now

Room 8, Homburger Hohl

  • 9 sqm
  • 120x200cm
  • Comfort
500 € 600 600
monthly excl. deposit and fee
Available from now

Apartment 0.08 Weserstraße

  • 76 sqm
  • 200x200cm
  • First Class
monthly excl. deposit and fee
Available from now

Apartment 0.04 Weserstraße

  • 71 sqm
  • 160x200cm
1550 € 1750 1750
monthly excl. deposit and fee
Available from now

Apartment 3.04 Weserstraße

  • 59 sqm
  • 160x200cm
  • First Class
monthly excl. deposit and fee
Available from now

Apartment 3.09 Weserstraße

  • 48 sqm
  • 160x200cm
monthly excl. deposit and fee
Available from now

Room 7, Homburger Hohl

  • 17 sqm
  • 140x200cm
  • Comfort
monthly excl. deposit and fee
Available from now

Apartment 2.11 Weserstraße

  • 53 sqm
  • 160x200cm
  • First Class
monthly excl. deposit and fee


Niederrad is located south of the Main about 2.7 km from the city center. This district is particularly popular with everyone who works in “Bürostadt”, where many large companies are based, as well as with people who appreciate the proximity to Frankfurt Airport. The Frankfurt Universitätsklinikum is located in this district.

Find your room in the Niederrad district with We rooms – at fair prices.