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Currently there are no free rooms available for the selected location, alternatively we can offer you rooms at other locations:

Available from now

Room 321, Taunusstraße rear side, 3rd floor right

  • 25 sqm
  • 140x200cm
  • Business
730 € 830 830
monthly excl. deposit and fee
Available from now

Room 4, Alt Fechenheim, 1st floor

  • 14 sqm
  • 140x200cm
  • Tourist
600 € 630 630
monthly excl. deposit and fee
Available from now

Room 8, Homburger Hohl

  • 9 sqm
  • 120x200cm
  • Comfort
500 € 600 600
monthly excl. deposit and fee
Available from now

Apartment 0.08 Weserstraße

  • 76 sqm
  • 200x200cm
  • First Class
monthly excl. deposit and fee
Available from now

Apartment 0.04 Weserstraße

  • 71 sqm
  • 160x200cm
1550 € 1750 1750
monthly excl. deposit and fee
Available from now

Apartment 3.04 Weserstraße

  • 59 sqm
  • 160x200cm
  • First Class
monthly excl. deposit and fee
Available from now

Apartment 3.09 Weserstraße

  • 48 sqm
  • 160x200cm
monthly excl. deposit and fee
Available from now

Room 7, Homburger Hohl

  • 17 sqm
  • 140x200cm
  • Comfort
monthly excl. deposit and fee
Available from now

Apartment 2.11 Weserstraße

  • 53 sqm
  • 160x200cm
  • First Class
monthly excl. deposit and fee


If you decide for temporary living in Rödelheim, you benefit from a number of advantages: With our furnished apartments, you have a high degree of flexibility and receive an individual rental agreement. This means: You determine when you move in and out yourself and are not bound by rigid notice periods. In addition, you already have everything you need for comfortable living on site – so you save money. Another plus: In contrast to a permanent second home, with We rooms you only pay for the days that you actually live in your home. This not only eliminates considerable rental amounts; Even the financial burdens of procuring the right equipment are no longer an issue with us.